Yogesh Piolet Thulasidharan

  • Gardening

    Spring Fest,IIT Kharagpur - 2009 A typical Onam Pookalam (Floral arrangement)

    My Zodiac flower... What's yours? Painted nettle (Coleus Blumei) at SIT

  • Telvision Buff

    TV shows I used to religiously follow (before coming to IIT):

    LostPrison BreakThe ApprenticeMind your Language(British)
    FRIENDSWill & GraceThat 70's showStill standing

    TV shows that I follow now (after coming to IIT):
    Big Bang Theory - I strongly recommend this comedy series to all researchers. Give it a shot, today!

  • Fitness Freak

    A clipping from silentkimbly.com